Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Animal Kingdom Updates

I decided a few weeks ago that I would begin a regular segment that featured just the Animal Kingdom.  It is truly one of my favorite parks.  I think it is full of so many hidden gems.  I plan on visiting the park frequently and sharing many of those gems with you in the future.

Here are some of the things I came across yesterday...
No Christmas tree up yet.

Festival of the Lion King

Dragon Falls

No winter decorations out.

Dancing in Harambe

Hippopotamus on land

Monkeys out at Monkey Point.  I've never seen them before.

Baby elephant

The lion and lioness watching their prey

Lioness - I've seen this look on my own cat's face.

Jammin' Jungle Parade

Ankole Cattle getting close to the safari vehicle

The lion ready to call it a day

When I was a young warthog!

Escaping the Yeti!


  1. Awesome, I love Animal Kingdom too!!!

  2. Every time I visit all 4 parks I find something new! Very nice *o*
