Saturday, January 16, 2010

May 2007 Retro Report. Final Day!

Wednesday, Day 5

I'm so sad to start this day.

We wake up and get everything packed.

We then bring our bags to the leave them at the Bell stand.

Our first destination of the day is AK. We want to go see the safari again, but more importantly, we want to get onto Dinosaur.

DM and DSF1 aren't joining us just yet because they have their meeting with the time share people. She got a really good rate for the time share, but she had to give them 90 minutes of her time so they could try to sell her a week. Little did they know that we already have a timeshare and there is no way we would be spending any money with them. Besides, if I'm buying in Florida, I'm buying DVC.

Then plan was to call them after their 90 minutes were up and to keep calling them until they were set free, then they would meet us wherever we were at.

So we make it over to AK very quickly and start making our way to KS for our FPs. (I love the abbreviations!) Of course, on the way, I see Stitch. And, of course, I say that out loud, loud enough for DB to hear me, so we have to stop.

I think that was the slowest line we saw. I know there are pictures of this, but, yet again, they aren't on Photobucket.

Once the pictures are done, we hurry back to KS and get the FPs, and then we make our way back to Dinoland. Thankfully the FPs at EE were covered up and the line was already long so we kept right on moving.

When we got to Dinosaur it wa running! And the wait was only 10 minutes. Not bad at all. We saw Mrs. Huxtable and then got into our time machine. Our picture was great! I really wish I bought it.

Next, we made our way back to the KS. No pictures this time, I just sat back and enjoyed the scenery. After that, we headed back towards the entrance so that we could get to our next park. We saw Lilo out with Stitch this time and DB wanted to stop, but we didn't have time to wait.

We were trying to get to the LMA show at MGM. DM and DSF1 were already on their way and they would meet us there.

The bus to MGM was actually waiting for us and we had a relaxing ride over to MGM. We got to the gates, and DBF, DSF2 and DB go through and suddenly, there is a problem.

Suddenly I put my ticket through, put my finger on the scanner and I was...


I didn't know what was happening. It was the last time I was going to use the ticket on this trip and all of a sudden, I couldn't get into the park!

Never fear! The wonderful CM helped me and issued me a new park ticket. DBF called me. That wonderful man had just kept walking and didn't realize my predicament.

There we some Streetmosphere people clogging up the street so he told me what side he was on and I ran (okay, walked really fast) to catch up with them.

We hurried back to get to the show, all the while trying to get DM to hurry up an get her food. Once we were seated, I convinced DM that they could bring food into the show and they made their way in and found us very easily.

I enjoyed this show. But why do they always need to pretend that they are "filming" scenes? They have to be the most unproductive film crew in the world!

We got FPs for Star Tours after leaving there and then had just enough time to grab seats at the Indiana Jones show. Not bad seats either, on the left near the front.

After the show, we decided to grab our lunch, so I sent DM and DSF1 into Muppets. Who doesn't love Kermit?

We had lunch at Pizza Planet. I know most people don't like it, but I thought it was pretty good. Reminded me of having Boboli at home.

Once the Muppets were over, we decided to split up for a bit and meet before we left the park. DM, DSF1 and I went to the animation building. We did try to see VoTLM, but the show was closed and Ariel would be in the parade after that. There's always next time.

I had fun playing around in the animation building. I dragged the parents into the drawing class. It was fun for DM, but it is not DSF1's cup of tea. If they had something like that for musician's, he would love it though.

I got to meet Mr. and Mrs. Incredible. I got in line with DM and a little kid (maybe 4 years old) ran in front of me. I didn't think anything of it because I thought he was with the family in front of me. Even the CM thought that because when he told us where he was stopping the line (just for a break), he counted out 3 families, ending with the family behind me. When the little kid got to the front of the line, a LARGE group joined him. When I say large, I mean about 8 people! Because of that, the family behind me got stuck waiting. That is just wrong! I made sure that I let the mother know that too. (She played the 'No speak English' card with me, but I didn't care becase her oldest clearly spoke Engish and understood what I was saying).

I also got to meet the Robinsons.

After that, we found the rest of our group and made our way back to the hotel.

On the boat, DB remembered that we were supposed to go to breakfast with Lilo and Stitch that morning. He asked me why we didn't go.

My best response to him ever:
"We learned that they weren't going to be at breakfast, but they would be at the parks, so we met them there instead."

Yay me!

I came up with that one on the spot. Not necessarily original, but at least I didn't spoil the magic for him!

After saying bye to DM and DSF1 (they were flying home the next morning), we made our way to get our bags and make the long sad journey home.

At that point in time, I couldn't have been sadder. I had no idea when I would be able to make it back to WDW. (Little did I know what my future would hold...)

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